Join us for service at:
Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Service
10 a.m.

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Sacred Journeys Blog

Judaism: Surviving Exile

12 Aug, 2024

Judaism is an ancient religion that is rich with history, theology, stories, rituals and tradition. It is too much to tackle in a short sermon or blog, so I’d simply like to share one thing I appreciate and respect about Jews and the Jewish...

Buddhism: Mindfulness

05 Aug, 2024

Buddhism essentially emerged out of Hinduism as the original Buddha – Siddhartha Gautama Buddha – began as a Hindu seeking a release from the cycle of birth, suffering, death and rebirth. After a very long journey trying many different...

Hinduism: Our Purpose is Spiritual Growth

29 Jul, 2024

I could give you the history of Hinduism. How it is considered the world’s oldest religion, beginning at least 1500 years before the Common Era, at least 1500 years before Jesus, but probably longer. I could tell you that it consists of a...

From Polarization to Pluralism

15 Jul, 2024

We know that our world is becoming more and more polarized. Issues are seen as black and white. We are expected to judge things as right or wrong, good or bad. We are being pulled by seemingly diametrically opposed sides to choose. All shades...

Demands of Liberating Love

08 Jul, 2024

Last week we read John 13 in which Jesus says, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another just as I loved you.” What is love? Love is an action. Love is choosing to act in such a way as to nurture someone’s soul, or life force...

Liberating Power of Choosing Love

01 Jul, 2024

The liberating power of choosing love. That phrase prompts three questions for me. What is love? Can we really choose love? And how is it a liberating power? To have this conversation, first we need to get “falling in love” out of our heads...

Liberation of Being Loved as We Are

24 Jun, 2024

Meister Eckhart tells a story about a little donkey who labors all day long, sometimes with heavy loads on her back and sometimes just with worries about the things that bother only donkeys. And worries, as we know, can be more exhausting than...

Renewing Faith in Ourselves

10 Jun, 2024

Sharon Salzberg, in her book Faith , writes, "I want to invite a new use of the word faith, one that is not associated with a dogmatic religious interpretation or divisiveness. I want to encourage delight in the word, to help reclaim faith as...

Renewing Our Faith in Life

03 Jun, 2024

As we continue this conversation on renewing faith, let me reiterate that faith is not to be confused with belief, or adherence to certain religious doctrine, or even belief in a certain God. Faith is about trusting the essential benevolence in...

Renewing Our Faith in Jesus

28 May, 2024

I’ve never been a Jesus freak. When I was a student pastor, there was a woman at the church who was constantly talking about Jesus, praying to him, referring to him. In her eyes, he absolutely was her savior, but maybe even more than that he...
