Join us for service at:
Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Morning Service at 9:30 a.m.
in-person at Meadowbrook,
or via Zoom!

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Sacred Journeys is committed to sharing our time and talents with the community. We typically strive to have one outreach project a month which may be collecting needed items for a certain non-profit or program, or it may be hands-on volunteering.


  • Juneteenth Day Celebration - hosted a booth with kid's crafts, free beverages and free books
  • Eco-Justice Center - cleaning up the grounds
  • ​HALO - painting rooms
  • Bethany Apartments - gardening project and collections of needed supplies
  • St. Monica's - volunteer with birthday bingo every July
  • Relay for Life - sponsored teams for three years
  • Christmas Baskets - collect food, presents and gift cards for families in need
  • Racine Food Bank - sorted food and packed boxes
  • Dad's Day Out - sponsored a picnic two summers
  • Baby Closet - collected items
  • St. Luke's Episcopal - make food and serve twice a year at their Monday Hot Meal Program
  • Royal Family Kid's Camp - collect birthday presents 
  • Meals on Wheels - Made goodie bags for Valentine's Day and May Day
  • Made Halloween goodie bags for various nursing home residents
  • School supplies collection each year given to various different schools
  • Dan & Ray's Rendering Thanks Thanksgiving Dinner at Festival Hall - volunteered
  • Weed Out! - helping get rid of invasive plants from local parks
  • Racine Fire Bells - collected items to support first responders
  • Various other collections for different charities and programs