Join us for service at:
Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Service
10 a.m.

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Sacred Journeys Blog

The Art of Re-membering

23 Oct, 2023

Mark 14:1-9 is the story of the woman with the alabaster who pours expensive perfume over Jesus' head. There are many important messages to hear from this passage; however, the very last line is the one that is important for today, “The truth...

The Courage to be Vulnerable

16 Oct, 2023

No one likes feeling vulnerable. Brene’ Brown, author of Daring Greatly, said she can’t tell you how many people have said to her, “I don’t do vulnerability,” usually followed by a professional or gender qualifier. “I’m an engineer – we hate...

The Courage to Apologize & Forgive

09 Oct, 2023

The story of Joseph in the Old Testament book of Genesis is about love, jealousy, treachery, lies, reunion, generosity and of course, forgiveness and apology. This classic begins with one of the great fathers of Judaism, Jacob, also known as...

The Courage to Live Well

02 Oct, 2023

Monday, I gathered with my Creative Worship group who helps brainstorm my sermon topics with me. I put a piece of paper in the middle of the table with Sunday’s date and sermon title on it (like I do with every topic, for us to write notes on)...

Crossroads on the Journey

25 Sep, 2023

When I hear the word crossroads the first thing that comes to mind is the old legend about making a deal with the devil at the crossroads. Anyone remember the movie Crossroads with Ralph Macchio (better known as the Karate Kid)? It’s about an...

Love Your Path

18 Sep, 2023

Deuteronomy 29 and 30 was written as Moses’ farewell address to the people, but it wasn’t written by Moses. It was written in the 6 th century after the Jews had suffered greatly at the hands of the Babylonians. The first temple in Jerusalem...

Sacred Journeys: Past, Present & Future

11 Sep, 2023

Ilia Delio, in her book, The Hours of the Universe" says: God is doing new things through us; we are the new creation in process. This is what we felt at the beginning of Sacred Journeys. The leading of the Spirit to do something new. Twelve...

Jesus' Vision

28 Aug, 2023

Taking on Jesus’ vision was a bit like trying to put a whole watermelon in my mouth – perhaps a teensy bit bigger a task than can be truly handled in 20 minutes or so. Still, I gave it a try, using Matthew 28, known as The Great Commission, as...

A People of Vision

21 Aug, 2023

Yesterday I began this message on "A People of Vision" with a short, guided imagery (compliments of Rev. Tim Kutzmark in the Soul Matters resource) Imagine, if you will, the ocean. Picture the ocean in your mind’s eye. Imagine the expanse,...

Personal Spiritual Vision

14 Aug, 2023

I’m fairly convinced that most people go through life without thinking too deeply about it. Nor do they think too deeply about what they say, how they say it, or what they do. I believe most folks simply react to what is going on in their lives...
