24 Mar, 2025
It seems to me that the main strategy in any oppressive behavior is to dehumanize the people one wants to oppress. This means that they are treated as less than human with a lack of empathy, compassion, respect, inclusion, or intent to care or...
17 Mar, 2025
To begin our Lenten series, “Welcome to the Resistance,” we find ourselves in the Temple with Jesus turning over the tables (Mark 11:15-18). Let’s start with a little background. Scholars are clear that the activities in the temple were both...
03 Mar, 2025
Listening… in the story of the transfiguration in Mark 9:2-8 we hear an injunction of the divine, a voice from the clouds that said definitively, “This is my Beloved… listen to him.” We’ll come back to the concept of listening to Jesus, for now...
24 Feb, 2025
A certain elected official recently, and seriously, misinterpreted scripture to suggest that love is given out hierarchically. In other words that God desires first and foremost that we love our families, then our neighbors, then our...
17 Feb, 2025
In my life, I have lost my way more times than I can count. I have set out to be married and ended up divorced. I have set out to be healthy and ended up sick. I have set out to live in New England and ended up in Georgia. When I was thirty, I...
03 Feb, 2025
In our continuing series on Finding God, it's time to discuss finding God through saying "yes" to vulnerability. Let me begin in what may seem like an odd way, by discussing the difference between the soul and the ego . The characteristics of...
20 Jan, 2025
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was With God and the Word was God. ~ John 1: 1 You may recall that the New Testament was written in Greek. Logos is the original Greek word used in this sentence where we now use Word . In every Bible...
13 Jan, 2025
Truly, we live with mysteries too marvelous to be understood. How grass can be nourishing in the mouths of the lambs. How rivers and stones are forever in allegiance with gravity while we ourselves dream of rising. How two hands touch and the...
06 Jan, 2025
It’s Epiphany, the season in the church year that traditionally begins with the story of the astrologers or magi following a star to find the newborn King of the Jews. Our neighbors down the street have a full life-sized picture of that...
23 Dec, 2024
Our scripture has taken us to many places during these last three weeks of Advent, and today we find ourselves about 100 miles south of Nazareth in Bethlehem, the ancestral home of King David (most beloved of all Jewish kings) and also, so the...