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Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Service
10 a.m.

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Sacred Journeys Blog

Easter Continued... Now What?

15 Apr, 2024

In the Gospel of John, a gospel known for its mysticism and metaphor, its unique stories, and its sometimes significantly different versions of events, Peter is an interesting character. He wants to be all in, and yet by his actions he...

The Gift of Hope

01 Apr, 2024

I always try to be honest with you and preach with as much integrity as possible, which sometimes means that I’m going to tell you that I struggle with certain topics, certain days. This is one of them. I struggle with Easter. Seems odd, doesn’...

Day of Tears

30 Mar, 2024

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a young donkey, people lined the streets shouting “Hosanna!” which is a Hebrew expression of two words meaning “Save, I [we] pray.” As I said on Sunday, those shouts had absolutely nothing to do...

The Gift of Justice

25 Mar, 2024

What is justice? Too many people mean punishment when they say they want justice . Justice is a righting of the universe, it equalizes, makes safer, makes more compassionate, more accepting. Justice is distributive, restorative, not retributive...

The Gift of Discernment

18 Mar, 2024

Discernment, in spirituality, is the ability to sense the presence of the divine in wisdom and/or guidance; to perceive intuitively, or spiritually, the answers, insight, or the best path forward. I believe Jesus offered the gift of discernment...

The Gift of Resilience

11 Mar, 2024

By definition, resilience is “the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties.” It is essential to getting through life, though I doubt many of us give it much thought. Jesus didn't really talk about it either, but he...

The Gift of Belonging

04 Mar, 2024

This Lent we are talking about the Gifts of Jesus . One of the most beautiful gifts he shared was the gift of belonging. For this message we read the story of Jesus healing the bleeding woman and the twelve-year-old girl in March 5:21-43. Now,...

The Gift of Forgiveness

26 Feb, 2024

Taken literally, the story in the Gospel of Mark of the paralyzed person being lowered through a roof to Jesus is pretty farfetched. Imagine 2,000 years ago trying to get a paralyzed person up on a roof in the middle of a crowd, then to cut a...

The Gifts of Ethics & Integrity

19 Feb, 2024

In every age there are the select few – the mystics and the prophets – who go where the rest of us hesitate, or are afraid to go. They are the special few who see the sacredness of all people – ALWAYS. They can’t be bought by the lure of wealth...

The Way of Wu Wei

05 Feb, 2024

One of my favorite non-Christian spiritual concepts is wu wei, it is a Chinese word that means non-doing or effortless doing . Daoism is a Chinese Philosophy about the Dao , or the Way of the Universe. Think about it as the Life Energy that...
