Join us for service at:
Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Service
10 a.m.

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Sacred Journeys Blog

Intention: Seeking Authenticity

13 Mar, 2023

What does it mean to be authentic? That was a rabbit’s hole if I ever went down one! Who knew? The topic seemed like a good one when I chose it a month or more ago. Intentionally Living Authentically is the original title I gave this sermon,...

Intention: Courage & Mistakes

06 Mar, 2023

Have you ever heart of kintsugi ? Kintsugi means "to join with gold" and is an art form that goes back hundreds of years to the Muromachi period (approximately 1336 to 1573). The story is that the third ruling Shogun (or leader) of that era,...

Intention: For Your Life

27 Feb, 2023

If you were brought up in a fairly traditional Christian household, you may have experienced the season of Lent as a somber time. For many years it was considered a penitential time to reflect on one’s sins, to seek forgiveness, and to be...
