Join us for service at:
Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Service
10 a.m.

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We Believe

We believe that our understanding of the divine and spirituality is always evolving; therefore, this statement is fluid and yet offers a glimpse of where we are at this point in time.

  • We believe in a Sacred Presence that is in and around all things.
  • We believe this Presence has many names, images, and expressions, none of which can ever fully contain its entirety.
  • We understand Sacred Presence as unconditional Love, and so reject any theology rooted in fear.
  • We believe that Sacred Presence is beyond gender and form and strive to use language that reflects this.
  • We acknowledge scholarship that finds the Bible to be a humanly constructed document. Therefore, Biblical claims should be judged for whether or not they help us live together in right relationship and whether or not they adhere to life-enhancing values. If they do not, they have no place in our spiritual faith or practice.
  • We embrace the freedom and responsibility to examine traditionally held Christian beliefs and practices, acknowledging the human construction of religion, and in the light of conscience and contemporary learning, adjust our views and practices accordingly.
  • We believe Sacred Presence continues to be revealed through many people and many faith traditions, all of which are also fallible.
  • We believe that Jesus was a human who exemplified Love, and consider him to be our teacher, guide and role model.
  • We believe it is our role and responsibility, as people grounded in values of love, compassion, and justice, to stand with and for the marginalized, oppressed, broken and hurting.
  • We believe all people are of sacred worth. Period.
  • We honor each individual’s understanding of and experience of the Sacred as unique.
  • We believe in the sacredness of the earth and all creation, our interconnectedness, and our responsibility to protect and restore.