Join us for service at:
Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Service
10 a.m.

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I spent the first 35 years of my life following the many rules of organized religion.  When I finally realized these were arbitrary rules created by men, not God, I became disenchanted and dropped out for a very long time.  Even though I dropped out, I never lost my spiritual connection to God and Jesus and talked to them frequently and gained comfort in knowing that they could hear me.  There was still a void over this long time that I wanted to fill.  After attending several Sacred Journeys Spiritual Community services, I realized that I had found my spiritual home.  Within the SCJC open non-judgemental environment, from Kaye's thought provoking inspirational messaging to the welcoming congregation, I felt an invigorating warmth that makes me look forward to every service and interaction and that leaves me feeling better when I leave than when I came.  I particularly like the focus on Jesus as the life role model we should follow.  So much more to learn and ponder as we grow spiritually.  Very invigorating.   

Thanks for being in my life.

~ Ron Lemerond (2/27/17)

Sacred Journeys has expanded my thinking into areas of faith that I knew nothing about. It’s also allowed me to work with some amazing people in many volunteer activities.

~ Sue Kowbel-Keller (February 2017)

Sacred Journeys keeps bringing me back… to faith, to comfort, to spiritual renewal, to possibilities of happiness, personal fulfillment, and community. So blessed to have a home to come back to.

~ Joan Linstroth (February 2017)

Church and a faith community have been important to me for a long time, and this community is so welcoming and kind and caring. My tendency to dig and “over –think” is fed by so many different minds, faiths and varying walks. All loving God and people.

~ Amanda Armstrong (February 2017)

Whether you’re a believer or not, it’s still a sacred journey.

~ Jerry Belland (February 2017)

Open to everyone, it truly feels very welcoming to everybody. Doesn’t feel cliquey.

~ Shirley Yanasak (February 2017)

Thinking/learning outside the box on religion. Kaye keeps it very interesting. Awesome music – some very talented individuals – WOW! Very caring and genuine “church.”

~ Robin Bidwell (February 2017)

Going to a service at Sacred Journeys is like coming home to mself where I meet the God within in new, deeper ways.

~ Jan Jedlicka (February 2017)

I so much appreciate being in a group of people that allows me to question knowing that most times there is not a definite answer. It is OK not to be certain!

~ Marilyn Mandernack (February 2017)