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Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Service
10 a.m.

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The Mystery of Easter

I’ve stopped trying to figure out what happened on Easter and in the days that followed. No matter what we believe, we don’t really have the answer. But there are many mysteries in the world that we don’t have answers to. I have heard many stories over the years about mysterious spiritual experiences, and I’ve had a few of them as well. I’ve come to a point where, as Megan McKenna said, “the more we know about something, the less we can explain it, and... any experience of mystery puts us in awe of what is and tells us bluntly that we know nothing at all.”

The concept of resurrection (returning to life after dying) is mysterious. Taken literally, it raises questions galore: Who gets resurrected? Where do they go? What do they look like? Is there reincarnation? What about karma? It’s truly an Easter Rabbit hole of questions that have no answers.

However, understood in a more metaphorical sense, we find an abundance of resurrection experiences all around us. The experience of spring is the perfect example. The earth has come alive again, though for all practical purposes it looked dead for months! In the same way we experience resurrection after we’ve been through a death (in the many big and small forms death can take) in our lives. In fact, I believe every one of us has experienced resurrection and will experience more.

Consider the ways you've experienced death and resurrection. Perhaps it was the loss of a relationship and the possibility of new love. Perhaps it was the end of attending one church to find another that filled your soul. Perhaps it was a job loss, only to find a better job. Retirement is a death to one part of life, but a coming alive to new adventures and possibilities. The list is truly endless.

The experience of resurrection fills us with so many positive feelings: joy, hope, renewal, excitement, exuberance, empowerment, fulfillment, wholeness, possibility, awakening and more.

Consider resurrection today, not just as something that happened to Jesus, but as a spiritual transformation that happens to all of us at different times in our lives. New life, new love, new joy, new hope is not simply possible, I believe it is waiting for each of us to grab hold of. Alleluia!

Love & Light!
