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2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

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Keeping Our Center ~ Day 77

Today the Christian Church celebrates Pentecost, the 50th day after Easter when disciples and followers of Jesus received the promised Holy Spirit. In a great rush of wind she blew into the house where they were staying, tongues of flame appeared above all of their heads and they started speaking in many languages. Then before Peter knew it, he was preaching to thousands and brought 3,000 new believers into the fold that same day.  The spirit blew and their little group of about 120 would never be the same again.

So, here’s my question of the day: do we still believe in a God who blows through closed doors and sets our heads and hearts on fire (metaphorically speaking, of course)?

Today’s scripture suggests that once the Spirit kicks down the doors, rattles the windows and knocks down a few walls, the church is not too peaceful a place to be.  Church is a place where we are challenged, where we are sent forth, where we are called out of our comfort zones.  So, if you like your comfort zone, if you like a quiet, peaceful, traditional, non-changing church… you will NOT be happy to see the Spirit blow in. 

To follow the Spirit of God, one needs to be ready to move past the settled-in, cozy religious club of people who all look alike, and have the church opened up, opened out and transformed.  The Spirit wants to grow the church and its ministries, not on our own designs, but on the basis of living God’s constant call to love.

I’m pretty sure that God does not look at this world and say, “Oh, it’s ok, you don’t have to change anymore, the world is perfect just as it is.”  God loves us no matter what, but because we are beloved, the Spirit is continually pushing us to change and grow into becoming fully what we were created to be.  Until every creature continually dwells in love, we have not arrived at what we can become.  Until all people are equal, until all people are fed, until all people are safe, until all people have health care, until all people have opportunities for education, until all people live in peace, the Spirit will not be done with us!

I believe the Spirit is ready to blow in each of our lives if we are ready for new beginnings, new hope, new relationships, new adventures… if we are ready for CHANGE!!  If you’re not ready for change, don’t invite the spirit in, don’t pray like Jesus’ followers did… don’t even whisper, “come, holy spirit, come.”

Love & Light!
