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Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Morning Service at 10 a.m.
in-person at Meadowbrook,
or via Zoom!

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Keeping Our Center ~ Day 2

This self-imposed “distancing” because of the Corona virus already seems long and it’s only really been a few days. We’ve forgotten how to live a slower, more reflective, simpler life... or perhaps we never knew how in the first place.

There is an addictive quality to watching the news and finding out what’s shut down now, what are the case counts and death counts, how close is it coming to us, yada, yada. It’s like not being able to take your eyes off the train wreck that’s coming (there’s a saying like that that I can’t remember right now!) Living this way for very long sucks the positive, life-affirming, motivating energy right out of us. Yes, we need to stay informed, but we can do that in 5-10 minutes and get back to living life!

So, having said that, I’m not going to talk about the virus (at least as much as possible) in these reflections. Instead, I will focus on ways to stay connected with the Divine and each other, self-reflection, hope, and wholeness.

Our time on Sunday mornings serves, for many of us, as the spiritual focal point of the week. Without that, for now, I think it would be awesome if we each had spiritual focal points in our homes. Create a small altar or sacred space where you can see it daily and use it to re-center you, to remind you that God is with you, that beauty and blessings exist around you, and that Love connects us all. You could make it as simple as a candle, or one meaningful object that symbolizes your spiritual life. Or it could include many things like a pretty cloth, pictures of nature or loved ones that you’re praying for, things like pinecones or rocks collected from your yard, sea shells that you picked up at your last visit to the beach (I can’t help it, I do this every time we go to a tropical beach)... whatever makes you happy. Each time you see it... remember.

I have a sacred space right outside my office door in our loft area. Above is a picture of the spiritual focal point I created at the beginning of Lent.

Love & Light!
