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Meadowbrook Country Club
2149 N. Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53405

Sunday Morning Service at 10 a.m.
in-person at Meadowbrook,
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Keeping Our Center ~ Day 109

The spiritual journey is like a game of Chutes and Ladders. One day I feel like I’ve ascended to new spiritual heights and discovered a deeper level of peace. The next day I’ve slipped down the chute into the dark abyss of self-doubt and insecurity. One day I feel like I am One with all of creation and I can see the beauty in all things. The next day all the petty, stupid irritations in life are making me cranky and I don’t even want to be around myself.

Unlike the real game of Chutes and Ladders, this wonderful, maddening spiritual game of ups and downs simply goes on and on. There is no end until our final transition out of these mortal bodies and on to the next adventure.

It’s funny, but I know some people feel like, since they will never achieve spiritual perfection (they can’t only land on squares that take them up a ladder), there is no point in trying. But the goal of the journey, as John Wesley tried to explain, is to keep moving toward perfection. There will always be days when we miss the mark, or screw up, but overall, if we keep at it, we’ll keep inching our way closer to enlightenment (as Buddhists would say). One day we’re helping a little old lady cross the street and the next day we’re cussing a blue streak at the car that just cut us off (okay, I don’t do that, but I have my own vices). It happens. Hopefully as time goes on and our awareness grows there are more little old ladies (so to speak) and less cussing!

The most important thing is that we keep trying. I believe with all my heart and soul that this spiritual journey, this road to our Authentic Selves, is worth every hard-fought-for inch.

Love & Light!
